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Markitects Featured in Forbes’ “How To Revamp Your Marketing Funnel When Results Are Sub-Par”

Forbes features Markitects’ Founder & CEO, Francine F. Carb, in their article about key items you should check off when revamping your sales funnel.

At Markitects, we think that the most important aspect of a brand revamp is to segment your audience by demographics, and more importantly, psychographics such as reasons to buy, personal preferences or other selection criteria. After that, building detailed personas are key. Make sure to prioritize the most desired segments and include those you may not have been targeting previously. After that, focus on messaging.

Check out the insight of other industry professionals’ at the link below. If you’d like to learn more about how Markitects can help grow your business by reaching the right target audience and other marketing services please contact us.

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