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Author: Markitects, Inc.

PMI Educational Foundation Kerzner Award Winner to Present at IPM Day 2017

International Institute for Learning, Inc. (IIL) is pleased to include Michael O’Connor, PhD in its lineup of presenters at this year’s IPM Day online conference on November 2, 2017. With over 27 years of experience in the medical device industry, Dr. O’Connor is being recognized as the winner of the PMI Educational Foundation Kerzner Award for Excellence in Project Management. As the Director, Strategy and Project Management for Medtronic, he works with senior management to manage, guide, and provide oversight on high value programs.

Dr. O’Connor will be presenting, Enhancing Project Management Rigor for Innovation, advocating that organizations enhance their Project and Portfolio Management frameworks to improve innovation output—ultimately producing devices, therapies and services that better serve patients around the world.

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MSAs: The Ultimate Way that Horst Quickly Meets Customer Needs in An Emergency

Imagine that you’re the manager of a convenience store and you get a call in the middle of the night to inform you that a car just drove right through your front entrance. Now that you’ve been jolted from your sleep, it’s time to get someone to repair the damage, order a custom fitted door, and help get your store operating normally ASAP. Wouldn’t it be great if you could count on one company to do all of your major repairs and facility updates—without having to go through the bid process or time-consuming negotiations? That one company is Horst Construction and an MSA is the way to get it done.

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Mark Parzygnat, Program Director, IBM Blockchain Explains the Popular New Platform

There’s been a lot of press about Blockchain technology in recent months. Simply stated, Blockchain enables and manages transactions and data sharing—bringing an unprecedented level of security, transparency, and efficiency never before possible. Given how fundamental ‘transactions’ are to how we function in society, this evolutional technology will have a transformative effect, not just on business, but also on how we live.

With over 20 years of experience in the technology field, Mark Parzygnat, Program Director, IBM Blockchain, and Presenter at IPM Day 2017 shares his enthusiasm, “Blockchain is the most exciting technology to come along in my entire career. For the past three years, I’ve devoted my efforts to championing IBM’s internal use and application development efforts, as well as promoting Blockchain to the world through academia, industry conferences, and the Linux Foundation.”

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Clarizen, Inc. of San Mateo, CA, Becomes Platinum Sponsor of IPM Day 2017

New York, NY – (October 12, 2017)— International Institute for Learning, Inc. (IIL) is pleased to announce Clarizen, Inc. as a Platinum Sponsor of its upcoming 14th annual IPM Day Online Conference taking place on Thursday, November 2, 2017. This year’s conference features 26 presenters, including six keynote speakers. The conference is expected to attract 50,000 attendees from over 100 countries.

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IIL Senior Executive Director, Dr. Harold Kerzner, Explains the History and Predicts the Future of Project Management

Historically, Project Management was an activity that supported engineering related projects in aerospace, defense, and heavy construction. Naturally, most project manager practitioners had advanced degrees in a technical discipline. What has happened is that the role of the PM has changed. Today, Project Management is used to manage the business—think of your entire business as a project. In fact, everything you do can be characterized as a project; therefore, as a PM today you are not only making project based decisions, but also business decisions, whereas in the past, business decisions went to senior management.

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Predictions for the Future of Project Management

DME’s 3rd Annual Facility Focus Surveys Are Now Available

Now is the Time to be Heard—
with DME’s 3rd Annual Facility Focus Surveys!

Starbucks, Starbucks Card, DME, $5

Results to be Shared at INTERPHEX 2018

As part of the INTERPHEX Technical Education Program, DME is inviting engineers, manufacturers, and other life sciences professionals, to express their views on the latest trends and technologies affecting the biopharmaceutical industry. The survey results and analysis will be presented during the DME’s Facility Focus presentations at INTERPHEX 2018.

Enjoy a seasonal latte on us. Please complete one or both five-minute surveys and DME will send you a $5 Starbucks Gift Card. A DME white paper of the survey findings will be distributed electronically to you after the show.

DME Facility Focus encompasses feedback and analysis regarding the latest industry trends and technologies affecting manufacturing facilities in the life sciences sector. Based on survey data derived from polling a range of professionals, DME will provide analysis and insight into the future of cGMP facilities, as well as practical guidance on how new technologies can transform current manufacturing operations.Interphex 2018, Interphex logo

IIL to Feature Maxine Hill at IPM Day 2017: Listen to Your Mentor

Like many highly successful individuals, Maxine Hill, Vice President at WSP USA, was initially inspired by her boss and mentor at the beginning of her career, when she was a Civil Engineer at a small Construction Company in the UK. Early on, her boss shared what he believed to be the most important aspects of his job. Not schedules, budgets, or work, but rather the job of motivating individuals, no matter how busy he was or how bad of a day he had. He strongly felt that if your people were happy and motivated, your projects would go well.

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Cheers to Turkey Hill!

Turkey Hill Minit Markets is joining a number of other convenience stores, grocery chains, and other retail entities offering the sale of beer and wine. A Pennsylvania law passed in 2016, called Act 39, specifically allows the sale of alcohol (beer and wine) in convenience stores. Thus, consumers have updated their expectations and many are asking when they might be able to find local convenience stores that are selling these products. A change of this magnitude is not a quick and easy evolution, however. Horst Construction has participated on the team that is evaluating what this will mean for the impacted stores.

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Diepak Kasi to Inspire Project Managers at IPM Day 2017

Diepak Kasi is one of IIL’s featured presenters at IPM Day 2017. His topic, The Power of Vision in the Digital Age, focuses on using vision as a path to fulfilling a higher level of satisfaction—both on the job and in one’s personal life. According to Diepak, “Many people do not have inspiring long-term goals or motivations. They perform their jobs and collect their paychecks without really questioning why they are doing what they do. However, a life without inspiration or the joy of making a contribution bigger than oneself results in feeling unfulfilled in the long term. On the other hand, if you have a vision—where you want to go and how you would like to contribute to society—you will be inspired to make that vision a reality and you can enjoy a higher level of fulfillment and satisfaction.”

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Horst Construction Selected to Convert, Preserve, and Expand One of Collegeville’s Most Memorable Places

Horst Construction is excited to announce that it has been selected as the General Contractor for a new Providence Place Senior Living Community in Collegeville, PA. Construction is scheduled to begin later this fall.

The site is the former Collegeville Inn, located at the intersection of Germantown and Ridge Pike in Lower Providence Township. Locals fondly remember the Inn for its smorgasbord restaurant, banquet facility, and of course, the carved bear that welcomed guests. The site is both nostalgic and scenic. Its proximity to the Perkiomen Creek will create a peaceful setting for future residents.

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