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Author: Markitects, Inc.

HCC Partners Publishes Important Questions for Succession Planning

In most organizations today, Succession Planning is taken too narrowly, where it only applies to key roles or the C-Suite; however, Succession Planning should be part of an overall “talent plan”. What most companies need is more of an organizational roadmap—backed by the commitment of the leadership team—to develop, mentor and otherwise plan for replacement of key roles at every level in the organization.

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The Pros at Proconex: Reviewing Your Pressure Relief Systems

When it’s time to review your pressure relief systems, you can count on the Pros at Proconex. Pressure Management General Manager, Robert Owens, and Product Champion, Austin Wilkinson, highlight three common scenarios that often arise from a pressure relief system evaluation, as well as the Proconex solutions that can address these problems. Watch the video below to learn more.

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NCCPAP Releases an IRS NPL Update

NCCPAP President, Steve Mankowski, recently attended the May 2018 IRS NPL meeting, which covered Strategic Planning, an RPO Update, Cybersecurity and more. Check back soon for the recap of the June 2018 meeting, which will be taking place on June 21.

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Markitects Featured in Forbes’ “15 Easy Ways to Improve Communication Between Team Members and Clients”

Forbes features Francine Carb, President & CEO of Markitects in their article, “15 Easy Ways to Improve Communication Between Team Members and Clients”. This topic is extremely important to us at Markitects, as we pride ourselves on communicating with our clients as much as possible. We value our close relationships with our clients and strive to meet their needs effectively and efficiently. Look for Francine’s response on page 3!

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Be True to Meis Van der Rohe:
Less is More

When it comes to creative choice, there is no ‘one right answer.’ How a client interprets a new logo, for example, emerges from that individual’s unique experiences, knowledge, and context. Overall, we seem to lack a common vocabulary to truly describe those likes and dislikes, so we thought it apt to take on the subject of Creative Choice—and The Lack Thereof.

As an agency, we are constantly challenged to find the perfect balance between abstract ideas and concrete results. For instance, creating a distinctive website that fits well with the client and their industry, while also standing out from the crowd, can be a challenge. Even something seemingly simple like developing a tagline that enhances a company name can take weeks to develop, refine, and perfect. Because there is no ‘one right answer,’ creative choice can lead you down a multitude of paths—none of which really work.

So, how do agencies like ours navigate this complex tangle of creativity? We use the powerful compass of “less is more.”

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Proconex Offers EPA Compliance Solutions for Pressure Relief Devices

Proconex offers solutions for EPA regulatory compliance with additional benefits—increased throughput, improved asset management, superior record keeping, early detection of leaking Pressure Relief Devices (pressure relief valves or PRVs, pressure safety valves, and rupture discs), and the knowledge to better manage your maintenance schedule.

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The Pros at Proconex: Quarterbacking an Outage Coordination & Turnaround Management Project

The Professionals at Proconex can guide you through their 6-step comprehensive Outage Management Process. In their experience, execution depends on the quality and thoroughness of the plan, so they pay a lot of attention to detail right up front. Proconex’s outage management professionals work with some of the top refineries and gas utility companies in the Mid-Atlantic Region.

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Francine Carb Featured in Forbes

Forbes Agency Council recently featured Markitects in their article, “Seven Ways To Help Your Agency Reach Its Revenue Goals”. The article focuses on seven experienced agency professionals who discuss several ways new agency owners can achieve their revenue goals and build toward long-term success.

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HCC Partners Releases Organizational Assessments Case Study

“If you were starting your company over today and knew everything you know now, how would you structure the business in order to grow, fix any problems, or achieve whatever your goals may be?” That’s the key question that Jim Geier asks his clients when opening a dialog for a potential Organizational Assessment. Take a look at how one company leveraged the Organizational Assessment process to boost morale and grow the company.

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