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Author: Markitects, Inc.

Now Available at Proconex: Yarway Steam Traps

Whether your system includes steam lines, turbines, control valves, risers, expansion loops, steam jacketed pipes, valves and pumps, or any combinations of these, your system must offer protection day after day. Usually, that also means consistent performance in less-than-perfect conditions. Furthermore, variables such as steam pressure, condensate load, ambient conditions, air venting, shock, vibration, water hammer, dirt, and corrosion must be carefully considered when making your trap selection.

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HCC Partners’ Jim Geier Featured on ‘Master Your Finances’ Radio Program

Jim Geier, President & CEO of HCC Partners, was recently featured on Master Your Finances, a Sunday morning radio show on Rider University’s WRRC 107.7 FM, The Bronc. Each week, host Kurtis Baker, CFP®, AIF® covers a variety of financial and business topics. Jim’s program, entitled Hiring Tips, focused on how hiring decisions can affect your top line. Listen to excerpts from Jim’s program at the link below.

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The Pros at Proconex: How Do YOU Buy Isolation Valves?

You may already know Proconex for our engineering expertise, control valves, mechanical services, and valve automation. What you may not be aware of is that customers increasingly rely on them to support ALL of their isolation valves and equipment. Watch the video below to learn about the vast array of brands, expansive inventory, and fast delivery services that the Proconex Isolation Team offers.

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Fairman Group Publishes Top 5 Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor Regarding Portfolio Risk

If you are preparing for a meeting with your financial advisor—whether as part of an ongoing relationship or exploring a potential new advisor—there are some questions you should ask in order to more deeply understand your risks. Use Fairman Group Family Office’s 5 questions as a backdrop for a meaningful discussion about your financial health and future, so that you can become a truly informed consumer.

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HCC Partners Engaged by ASTM International

HCC Partners has completed a variety of important human capital-related projects for ASTM, including an annual compensation analysis, salary grade recommendations based on industry benchmarks, a framework for merit adjustments, benchmarking of all job positions, performance review workshops, FLSA compliance, and most recently, executive recruiting for a key role in the organization.

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NCCPAP Featured in Accounting Today Podcast

Accounting Today editor-in-chief, Daniel Hood, recently interviewed NCCPAP President, Stephen Mankowski, CPA, to discuss some of the major tax changes, issues, concerns and uncertainty for individuals and businesses. Podcasts highlight include: 199A Deductions for Pass-Through Entities, Determination of Meals and Entertainment, and IRS TRIO.

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Fairman Group’s Next Nest: Volume 1

Are you an Empty Nester planning your Next Nest? If you are ready to retire, entering a second career, caring for aging parents, or have adult children, you won’t want to miss Fairman Group Family Office’s fictional series about the financial challenges, opportunities and gotcha’s regarding second homes, out-of-state residency, remodeling and moving to the city.

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NCCPAP Releases July 2018 NPL Update

NCCPAP President, Stephen Mankowski, recently returned from the July 2018 NPL meeting. Highlights of this month’s meeting include updates on Appeals, FTD Alerts, Security, and more. Check back monthly for new information.

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Markitects Featured in Forbes’ “10 Ways B2B Marketers Can Improve Relationships With Sales Teams”

Forbes featured Markitects President & CEO, Francine Carb in the article, “10 Ways B2B Marketers Can Improve Relationships With Sales Teams”.

Many business-to-business (B2B) companies’ sales and marketing departments are typically competing for time, resources and accolades, but it does not have to be this way.

At Markitects, we have had tremendous success integrating our work with the goals and objectives of our clients’ sales organizations. We consider it to be a top priority and use it to gauge our overall program success. So much so, that we present our marketing program metrics to sales teams on a monthly basis at their pipeline meetings. At those meetings, we also gain valuable feedback to adjust our programs and we use that venue to ask for participation in videos and customer stories.

The following article shares 10 ways you can buck the trend and take more initiative in building ties with your or your clients’ sales teams. Try these suggestions on integrating sales and marketing teams in your organization and we are confident you will see some dramatic improvements.

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