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Thursday Thoughts:
Online Reputation Management

What is Online Reputation Management?

As users browse the Internet and social media, they create opinions about people and brands that they see or interact with. As such, all online information that even just mentions your company name can influence a prospect or customer’s opinion about your brand—both positively and negatively.

Online reputation management (ORM) is the practice of actively creating, curating, and monitoring all information about yourself online. ORM encompasses a variety of platforms, including Google Search, social media, review websites, and company listings/directories (i.e. Bloomberg profile).

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Fairman Group Discusses Equity Compensation

You may have noticed quite a few articles in the news recently about Equity Compensation—usually referring to some astronomical amount of compensation that a CEO is being rewarded. While those articles tend to sensationalize executive compensation, “equity” as compensation is quite common—and you may already be the recipient of one or more types of equity compensation.

Equity compensation is pay in the form of company ownership or stock. It can be awarded instead of, or in conjunction with, regular cash compensation. Many employers consider equity to be a way of aligning an employee’s interest with the goals and growth of the company. It could take the form of:

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Where to Begin Your Design

From a Marketer’s Viewpoint…

Over 25 years ago, when I was beginning my career in marketing, I decided to take a few design courses at night in Baltimore, where I was living at the time. The school, now called Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), taught me many important lessons—which at that time were tailored to a physical or print world, but which are still applicable to this day in the digital world.

First, space is space. And while marketers like to fill that space with words and images, white space (the blank area in between images) is equally as important because it gives context to and defines the actual design, guiding the viewer’s eye from what is primary to what is secondary in priority. The human eye cannot view everything equally or all at once. It’s that simple.

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Proconex Analyzes the Risks & Rewards of Purchasing Cheaper Valves

When it comes to servicing critical valves and related parts ‘brand names’ matter. At Proconex, they only use OEM parts, which are guaranteed to be the highest quality possible. When a non-OEM part was installed at one of our customer sites, they had performance issues. Furthermore, they had trouble servicing it—resulting in lost time, energy, and money.

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Thursday Thoughts:
Relationship Marketing Part 2

When a business is just starting out, relationship marketing can seem intimidating. Here are our suggestions on how to incorporate relationship marketing in the early days of your business:

Utilizing Relationship Marketing strategies as a new Business:
  • Research competitors to see who they are targeting and how. From this intel, determine your target audience.
  • Think like your ideal customer. Ask yourself:
    • What type of content do they want to see?
    • What type of marketing campaigns do they typically engage with?
    • What are their pain points that we can solve?
    • What are their pain points with their current provider of the product/service?
  • Learn from your ideal customer. Ask current and prospective customers questions to begin the relationship and help to rationalize your marketing plan moving forward.
  • Engage with customers and prospects on social media. This is a more casual introduction, and everyone loves a shout-out!
  • Develop a database to use in email marketing and cold calling. Maintain the relationship throughout time by continuously reaching out to this database. Initially promote brand awareness, later focus on what’s specifically important to each customer.
  • Start with brand awareness and then get more specific using data. Start with more generic brand awareness to get the message out there and acquire clients; once you have some data begin sending more targeted messages to your customer segments and follow up with a sales call.
  • Request reviews on Google and Yelp to continuously get feedback and foster the two-way street relationship.

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HCC Partners Engaged by C&L Rivet to Expand Its Executive Team & Realize Its Strategic Growth Plan

Art was introduced to Jim Geier, President & Founder of HCC Partners, through DVIRC, an economic development organization that focuses exclusively on the Philadelphia region’s manufacturing community. DVIRC grows business value by providing a number of services, including executive search. As a strategic partner of DVIRC and expert in filling key roles at small and mid-sized manufacturing companies, HCC Partners was invited to participate in an initial executive search engagement to find an Operations/General Manager for C&L Rivet.

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Happy 25th Anniversary to Markitects

Let’s start at the beginning…

You could say that marketing for technology products officially started in 1984 (when I was just starting my career in marketing) with the mind-blowing Apple Computer Super Bowl ad—clearly a watershed moment for Apple, if not the entire industry. The meteoric rise of Apple, Microsoft, IBM and other technology leaders of the day incited a revolution—and the eventual birth of an entire industry—one comprised of hardware, software, distribution, service, and R&D companies of all types, started by individuals and financed by the venture capital community. Who wouldn’t want to be part of these exciting times?

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Thursday Thoughts: Relationship Marketing

What is Relationship Marketing?

Relationship marketing is a strategy designed to build and foster long-term relationships with customers. The goal is to establish customer loyalty for repeat sales; however, these customers also tend to act as good referral sources.

Think of brands you use and purchase from repeatedly. You have a relationship with these companies as they continue reaching out and selling to you. In comparison, there are companies you may buy from only once and never hear from again; you may not even remember their names.

In B2B marketing, we use traditional marketing in certain instances, but relationship marketing in others. We work with many companies that utilize us for the strategy and execution of their traditional marketing, but also have us oversee and aid in relationship marketing, alongside their sales team.

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Effectively Predict Maintenance with Proconex Valve Diagnostic Services

The Pros at Proconex can provide a bridge from corrective or time-based preventive maintenance to predictive maintenance on your critical valves—before a problem occurs. With Proconex diagnostic services, you can:

  • Perform control valve diagnostics on ANY air-operated valve—regardless of manufacturer or model.
  • Coordinate field testing, data interpretation, and corrective action planning with our team of experts.
  • Maximize uptime and schedule downtime more effectively, while right sizing your maintenance costs by focusing on critical repairs.
  • Diagnose control valve issues while in-service with optional Performance Diagnostics tiered equipment.
  • Present diagnostic results in an easy-to-read report with Green/Yellow/Red indicators.

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Markitects, Inc.



    Above the Historic Anthony Wayne Movie Theater

    107 W. Lancaster Avenue, Suite 203

    Wayne, PA 19087
